Download Cube 1.5e
The main MOD on this webpage. Cube 1.5 changes all the weapons and about 97% of the monsters. Play deathmatch
(or try single player to test out the weapons and monsters) with these super powered weapons including Benelli M3 Pump Shotguns,
Power Cutters, and the infamous Creature Creator. This will upgrade your current version of Cube to 1.5d and for new
users, this has everything you need to run the MOD. File size: 2.22 MB.
Download Patch for Cube 1.5e Dehacked file.
Right Click on the link to choose a destination to download (your Cube folder). Rename the file without all captial letters,
and it should work properly.
This patch changes the shotgun guard to fire his shotgun automatically rather than one round at a time. This makes this
enemy true to his nature, and is a lot more challenging to deal with.
Download the patch for the Cube BEX file (for Zdoom & Skulltag users)
This file replaces the old Cube.bex file. It has been updated to follow the strings in newer versions of Zdoom or Skulltag
(using %o for victims and %k for killers, etc.) Right click to save it into your Cube Folder (rename it so that it is NOT
all capital letters).
Download "Classic Cube"
This is the classic version of Cube. In it, no enemies, sounds, or weapons are altered, except for the BFG.
It now can create monsters like the Icon of Sin (it can only create the Doom 2 monsters of course). So now you can play
regular Doom 2 deathmatch, but also have the ability to use the Creature Creator and spawn a Mancubus on someones ass...or
perhaps a Pain Elemental >:). File size: 893 bytes.
Download "Classic Cube CS"
No, not Classic Cube for Counter Strike. Classic Cube CS is the same as the Classic Cube above, but the only difference
is it changes the Demon and Spectre (both who are pretty useless monsters in deathmatch) into none other than the Cyberdemon
and Spider Demon! Complete with their correct stats, HP, weight and height, sounds, and frames! Deadly new ability
>:). File size: 1.14 KB.